30 Days Of Happiness | November

One of my friends recommended that our girl’s group all do a “30 Days of Happiness Challenge.” Some days involve tasks while others ask you to write down things about yourself. I recorded each thing in hopes that next year, I can reflect and see my growth or stagnancy.


11/1 : 3 things I want to let go  

  • Overthinking
  • Procrastination
  • Being an introvert


11/2: Mediate for 15 minutes 

  • Completed


11/3: Three things that make me happy

  • Fashion
  • Spoken word/ Poetry / Writing
  • My nephew


11/4: Look in the mirror and say “I AM BOMB AS FUCK!”

  • Completed


11/5: No complaining today!

  • Completed


11/6: Something I’d say to the first person that broke my heart

  • “Fuck you! Honestly.”


11/7: Go for a walk 

  • Completed


11/8: No social media

  • Completed.
  • I also uninstalled the Facebook app from my devices. During this day, I realized how plugged into social media I have become. In trying to be a more active and prominent blogger, I do have to maintain a certain level of social media presence but I’ve realized how much time I spend scrolling aimlessly on Facebook and Instagram during the down times of my day. Scrolling has become a sort of time-filler for me when I’m bored. Being an introvert with ambivert-like qualities, I’m prone to being impersonal and distant by nature. In attempts to work on communicating a little better with friends and family, cutting down on the amount of social media “scrolling”, should be beneficial (I hope)


11/9: Tell someone I love them

  • Completed


11/10: 5 things I love about myself

  • My height
  • Sense of humor/sarcasm
  • Sense of style
  • My brown skin
  • Perseverance


11/11: Drink 8 cups of water 

  • Completed


11/12: Do 25 squats 

  • Nope!!!!


11/13: Call a friend (No texts!)

  • Completed


11/14: Make a list of my accomplishments

  • Moved to New York without any outside help
  • Refrained from becoming a stereotypical statistic of a young black woman from the inner city
  • Working towards my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree (Although not yet completed, the progress is an accomplishment….I could be doing nothing)


11/15: Listen to my favorite song 

  • Completed


11/16: Post a quote I try to live by

  • “Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda


11/17: Go out with your girlfriends

  • I slept in bed all day. I underwent a septoplasty surgery 2 days prior and my body was totally exhausted. In addition, I had a huge bandage on my face.


11/18: Take myself on the date

  • I had a date with the bed and covers.  It was another day of recovery and exhaustion.


11/19: Take a nap

  • Completed


11/20: Reach out to someone I haven’t spoken to in a while

  • Completed


11/21: Start a new book

  • With my current school work, this was not possible.


11/22: Compliment a stranger 

  • Completed


11/23: Eat my favorite meal today

  • Well it was Thanksgiving so completed!


11/24: Do 25 crunches

  • I hate crunches so again, NAHHHHHH.


11/25: Look in the mirror and say “I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE WORTHY, YOU WILL GET FAR”

  • Completed


11/26: Day of reflection (Isolate, do nothing)

  • Completed


11/27: Write down your goals for 2018

  • Finish the school year with a 3.5-4.0 GPA
  • Move into my own apartment (Brooklyn,loft, brick walls, high ceilings, old school elevator…Am I reaching yet for NYC in 2018 or nah? Do these still exist?)
  • Obtaining clear, smooth, radiant skin
  • Get back into performing my poetry and my art
  • Purchase a car


11/28: Write a forgiveness letter to the person that hurt you the most

  • I understand now….you have your insecurities. And those insecurities hurt me more than the break up. You let the women who hurt you become me. You started speculating and accusing me of things that were never any intentions or current actions of my own. I tried to be a woman you never had. I wanted to give you the happiness and a sense of trust you never thought you would be able to give. The breakup itself hurt more than any before because I truly saw you as the one for me. It took me a while to fall for you but when I did I fell hard.  I realized in our arguments that you are an angry man. Everyone copes, heals and recovers differently and I think you are still recovering from the sins of your exes. So I forgive you. Hopefully, one day you’re able to put aside those past traumas and see the next woman you choose to love without a wall blocking your eyes and your heart.


11/29: Write a forgiveness letter to yourself 

  • J. You tend to be impulsive and emotional about your future. You hold a big part of yourself to be a successful and independent woman and sometimes you let the world and it’s pressure dictate how you should live your life. You’re working on your goals but you always feel you should be better, stronger or faster. That’s okay but don’t stress yourself.  Stress causes me to become sick, irritated and annoyed. It disturbs my peace. I forgive you. P.S:  You’re doing a great job. Kill this shit.


11/30: Write about a single moment today that I am grateful for

  •  As cliche as it sounds: Life. Life is a gift but death is guaranteed. To be wake up healthy in the morning, is the first utmost gratifying thing.

