Luck | Freewrite

After us, I’d say, I’ve given up on love
& all my friends think I’m playing
I’m just saiyan my heart ain’t nowhere close to go through some hits goku threw

It’s this whole complicated process of trusting someone with the semi likely possibility things may or may not fuck up
And I’m no good with luck
So I rather do everything but trust
Because trust once had me lusting for love Again
And then…

And then, I rather be single on a warm summer night than together with someone I could lose without a fight
I rather take my trips alone than to make memories with a lover I’ll own
Who’d soil my thoughts everytime I atone for my mistakes
Memories stuck in my head I can never shake
I rather dissapear from your life than fake to be friends

Because when I really need a friend, I can’t come to you
How can I talk about how unsuccessful I am with love
And how all I want is happiness
And how deeply I loved you
With you?
I can’t.
So I’ll never fall in love again.
Because truthfully, I have no luck with men