The Mile High Club

If you didn’t know, I’m a flight attendant. Stewardess, air hostess, whatever you call it nowadays…

Anyways…I hope you didn’t come to this post in hopes of hearing some juicy story about my Mile High Club experience. I haven’t had one yet….

Instead, this post is just merely to talk about being a flight attendant. I complied a list of questions that friends and passenger usually ask me on a day to day basis.

Do you like your job?

Yes, I absolutely do. It’s a very easy job and the benefits are amazing. I fly for free or very little on my airline and have the privilege to fly on different carriers for minimal taxes. The only “bad” part of the job is having to commute from the city I reside in to base.


What made you want to become a flight attendant?

My intention when I first got the idea of becoming a flight attendant was working for Caribbean Airlines so I can be based in Trinidad and travel the world. I had this goal of flying for a year then attending school at The University of the West Indies. I traveled a lot as a child and in my teenage years so I was comfortable with the idea of flying.

My best friend’s brother was friends with a flight attendant who worked for CAL and said he’d hook me up with him. Unfortunately, when I got in touch with him he had already left and went on to work for Frontier Airlines. So instead of getting on with Caribbean Airlines, I got in with Frontier. After almost a year with them, I transferred to my current airline.


Are you going to be a flight attendant for the rest of your life?

I don’t plan to be one of the senior mamas whose flown for 35-40 years and know nothing else. When I started flying, I just finished my first year in college and needed a break year.

I’m currently enrolling back in a program to start in the fall. I plan to fly until I find the perfect career to match my degree. Even then I might still be able to fly a few times a month and balance another career.


Where do you live? 

My official place of residence is in Boston but I spend large amounts of time in New York. I’m based in San Francisco at the moment and have a crashpad there. I also have a house in Trinidad. (So uh… 4 places)


What is a crashpad?

A crashpad is a place for airline employees who commute to work to “crash” in between, after or before work. Crashpads are usually an apartment, hotel suite or house that is shared by employees where each have their own bedroom or share bedrooms dormitory style.


Do you ever get annoyed with your roommates? Is there drama?

I tend to only spend time at my crashpad when it is absolutely necessary because I hate being in close quarters with so many people that I don’t really know. I fly in before a trip to sleep and/or after a trip. I think I’m more annoyed by the idea of having so many roommates.

Some crashpads have drama, others don’t. It all depends on the people staying there. I haven’t had any issues within mine.


What is the coolest place you’ve been to?

To be honest, I’ve been to cool places but I don’t have a ‘coolest place yet. I really enjoyed Bejiing and London while I was there.


Do you fly this route often?

No. I don’t… With a year of seniority no flight attendant on reserve at a major airline flies any route often. (Reserve is the equivalent of being on call)


What is your favorite trip to work?

I enjoy working flights to Miami just for the layover. Flights to and from the Pacific Northwest are great because the people are super pleasant and laid back and that has a major impact on how well you enjoy a trip.


…..Your worst trip??

Anything over 12 hours of flight time. I’m not a fan of long haul flights because they are too demanding on my body and I usually lose my happiness at hour 10.  Tired, grouchy, hungry Choonks is no fun.


Do you have to stay up the whole flight?

For long haul flights, you get a rest break where you can sleep. For,shorter flights, you do. (Yes, even on the red eyes….)


Do passengers get on your nerves?



Have you ever flirted with a passenger on a plane? Get any numbers?

I attempted one time with a passenger I met non reviving to Trinidad. He seemed really interested, so we exchanged numbers.

He turned out to be a clingy creep who was married with kids.


What do you do when passenger hit on you?

I walk right by. (See reason above)


Are flight attendants really as promiscuous as sayings say?

Some are, some aren’t. I’ve heard some dope stories though…


How do you maintain a relationship being a flight attendant?

It honestly takes a lot of effort put forth from both parties, patience and trust. If you love each other, you both will make it work.


How do I become a flight attendant?

Do your research on airlines. Whichever you choose, check and see if they are hiring. Tailor your resume to the customer service industry and apply online. If you do get an interview or interviews and are given a conditional job offer, you will be sent to training where you will attend training and then prospectively graduate.


Any other questions, you can email me at [email protected] & maybe I can make this a thing somehow.

