Poetry: CAN I?

Structural racism built in a country on Black slavery
Years later we grow back to some subtle stages of regression
We attack back after attacks, too many cracks, too many welted marks, bruised sores,open lashes on our back
We attack back
Riots or whatever
Officials fire down shells harder than the storm during Katrina’s bad weather
We’re savages anyway
That’s why the media depicts…” they swam”
We waded
We waited
We sang
Years ago
Take us back to years ago when we could have change
But this pyramid scheme
This structural fucked up fluctuating game of cat and mouse
Except this isn’t tom and jerry
We’re  getting jipped everytime
We’re  getting flipped everytime
I’m getting so institutionalized into a world that isn’t even mine
What’s being American to an African?
I can’t just be American can I?
But even if I search, I can’t  find the reason can I?
We can try so hard to be red white and blue but you don’t give me an option to separate the hyphen between the two
Can I?
And they act like it’s not effecting em
Until we got a knock on our door
Bullets rain through when we weren’t expecting em
can i?