Poetry | BROKE ME


I loved him like there was no other kind of love

Like I never experienced any kind of heartbreak

Like there were no risks to take or I didn’t have any important life decisions to make

I loved him like…

No other


But he broke me

You see

He entangled me into his web of lies, squirting venom in my eyes to blind me from the treacherous tides of distrust that later on drowned me

I couldn’t see the other woman around me so I loved him so profoundly

He broke me

He made me feel like there was no sky

Like gravity didn’t exist and I was floating in a world that turned into an abyss of lies

He broke me

You see it was a while since I broke down and cried but I wasn’t crying cause I was sad but crying because I was so mad I gave this man the last thing I had that was so wholesome about me

He broke me

And I felt like I couldn’t be whole again

Like that  humpty dumpty had a crown, sat on the wall and came tumbling down nursery rhyme was about me

He broke me


And I had lost my crown

I lost my crown then started to drown

You couldn’t tell me what the upside to down was

And then there was the web


So I’m drowning, wrapped up in a tight sticky web of lies, blinded by the venom in my eyes while the tides of treacherous distrust surround me

No longer was I loving but heartbreaking profoundly

Crying profusely but healing abstrusely

When I realized venom spitting spiders couldn’t swim in these tides

Was I crying because you lied or because my eyes needed flushing from the venom spat inside em

I couldn’t let my heart supply them

And let my tears provide your ocean of distrust more reason to adjust it’s grip on me drowning

I found comfort in how downing this heartbreak was

You broke me but I drowned you in your own ocean of lies

I survived

And later realized I rather be drowning in distrust than be a fly caught in your sticky web of lies


Who broke me?