POETRY | Jungle

After her, you were never ready for a relationship
You just didn’t want to lose out on me
So you became a farmer
You planted little seeds in my heart that grew into trees which tore down the walls that kept us apart
And we did it
You know, we made us a thing

You made me feel like love was something I could take and fling from wall to wall
I thought I felt it all
Maybe I did, but thoughts don’t matter now
Because we’re back at square 1
And in your head, you’re done
So you’ve planted your seeds again
This time, sprouting a jungle so vast I cannot even make it past why I feel so alone
In a relationship
You know
You didn’t want this, I believe
You just wanted me
It’s selfishness beaming so proudly in it’s glee
So now the responsibilities of a relationship are just too much
So you rush into any instance to grab those scissors and cut
Pull us away from ever being able to touch
But the bases of this is so simple
Don’t make her feel mad but make her feel bad
It’s sad things people do when they’re hurt
But you know the saying, ” hurt people, hurt people”
You can’t change a person who is looking to sequel past heartbreak and lost lost love