Lollygagging In London

So this is a bit of a late post….Sorry 

Early October I went to London. I was sitting on converted status (At home waiting for Crew Scheduling to call with an assignment) and thought it would be another day of sitting around with no call. To my surprise, they called. Miss, you’re going to London.

This would now be my second time and I already felt like a pro. I did the more “touristy” things my last trip and felt I just wanted to go to Primark and get my stockings. Now, it is very flight attendanty for me to say I only wear tights from Primark but hey, this is my life!

If you don’t know what Primark is, you should! It is a Irish clothing and accessories store with prices you can’t beat and some crazy fashion variety. Think H&M but cheaper! They offer women’s, men’s, girls, boy’s and a home section. I like to call it the cartoon clothes store because they’ll have one item in 15 different colors.

I swear by these tights!!!! They are the perfect opacity and has a nice shine for that sexy leg look!

The flight over the pond was rather short and when I got in, I went straight to sleep and actually slept much longer than I expected. I headed out of the hotel around 3 or 4pm and instead of taking uber, I decided to take public transport since I did the latter my last trip. I always loved the concept of the double decker bus and since in New York (and many other states) it’s more of a tourist thing than local, I liked the reverse concept.


London’s bus and train card is this thing called, “the Oyster Card” and is similar to Boston’s Charlie card with the load, tap and go concept. It is a little pricey ; I believe it’s 8 or 10 Pounds for a new card (I might be wrong) with a preloaded amount.

My first stop was to see the Marble Arch which was supposed to be the entrance to Buckingham’s Palace but was relocated in the 1960s. I didn’t really care for sightseeing this trip but I heard it was walking distance to Primark so ….. lol.

My next stop was Primark, my favorite but wallet hated store. The problem with Primark is, things are so inexpensive you end up going in with more than you came for inevitably. I went in for stockings, came out with shoes, a scarf, sweaters, two dresses, thigh high boots and gloves.



Now with this being my first time actually shopping in London, I did not realize how addicting the shopping street can be. I shopped on Oxford St and stores seem like they mirror themselves every 2 blocks. Every 10-15 retail chain stores is another set of those same 10-15 stores. The bigger stores are spread out across different parts of London while smaller stores are repeated on the street. I’m not sure what kind of devil marketing tactic this was but it definitely worked on me.


I ended up in the Clarks store getting a pair of pumps that have been sold out in the US in my size for months. Conveniently, they were on sale so I “had” to get them.

Shout out to my casual chic though!!!

After the temptation of store after store, I decided to head back to the hotel as it was nightfall and a girl had to work the flight back to Newark in the morning. I was able to take the tube back to the stop closest to my hotel and see what the hype on this train was about.

To be honest, it wasn’t anything super special. Just a red train.

I got back to the hotel pretty easy. I will say the tube is much easier to navigate than the bus. On a crowded bus, a tourist might not always be able to hear or see the stop name they are getting off at.

When I got back to the hotel I had dinner and a well needed glass of wine. I was a little IRRITATED at the super small portion size for $30 US. I know they say American’s eat too much or expect bigger portion sizes than we need to but damn…. I had to order an additional side.


That’s all Folks!

