

Unresolved trauma Dismembered drama Trigger words have me crazy hot Hot headed, four lettered word I must have abetted into thinking I did, I was, I had Am I crazy Or still withdrawing myself from the withdrawal of my old self I’m in my head and in my bed Thinking […]



Alone again And no, it’s not 3am It seems like I got more friends to click on than pick on This technologicalized world of likes and friends requests I don’t really have anybody to really express to when my feelings start distressing from their regression Y’all dont really care about […]



I’m in school  to be a teacher, but I think I’m better off an architect You see, walls are my specialty I create them Whenever I feel anything, I strategically, summarize and sway my mind into shape shifting  shallow emotions into strongholds of steel Just in case someone is trying […]



  Stutter I…..stutter when I think about the way you’re making me feel It’s not like I’m….not like I’m… *sigh* Okay… It’s not like I’m falling in love but I’m falling in like with the slight thought that I just might Just might like you But what do I know? […]


Madrid For 28 Hours

Another late post. I know, I know. I’m sorry. So what to do in Madrid for 28 hours?? In early June, I was blessed with the opportunity to head to Madrid on a nice summer day for about a day.The flight over was dreadully long, mostly because I was out […]