National Poetry Month 1/30 | Razor

I wonder how long it takes for love to fade?
Does it seem forever, like when I prop my legs up to shave?
Smooth and slick, we’re tumbling down this fake friendship like the three blades of my Shick razor along my legs
I’m careful not to prick
Sometimes you were…
A prick

I was the type of woman to say man could never faze her
But I fell into a different kind of love
Some kinda love
Where I let you release into me before I could let the leash off myself

Parading around ovulation and planned vacations
Did I want you, baby
Did I want your baby?
It’s crazy
I felt a different kind of dedication
So I ask myself, how long does it take for this effect to wear off from the medication we call love?
Because our relations are done but the relation isn’t
It’s funny how prior feelings can imprison you into current positions