Reflection | 11.19.17

Last year September was supposed to be my re-enrollement back into University. I was overwhelmed by my new position at a new airline and displacement to the West Coast. There wasn’t a feasible way I saw myself cross commuting across the U.S to work, on call AND attend classes.

So I said , the remainder of 2016 and the months of 2017 leading up to the start of the new school year will be the most fun filled months of my life. And that it was. I partied, traveled, drank, ate, swore, danced, shopped, yelled, laughed, I fell in love, was heartbroken, fell back in love with myself & had some of my best memories to date within those months.

And then it hit me. I was re-entering a door I closed because of previous unhappiness. What was I going to major in? What did I like? What were my passions? Why did I stop before? I COULD go back into the International Business field, major in finance and make tons of money thereafter but would I be happy in life? Could I even make it grad school without a mental breakdown? Would I end up that miserable 40-year-old who hates her job but is financially dependent to it because at 40, you want a house, husband, children, cars….right?

I thought, I thought and although it seemed like procrastination to some, I REALLY had to make sure whatever I picked was what I envisioned my future in. I knew this time around, once I started, I wasn’t stopping until I got to the top. Wherever and whatever that was.

So now, it’s almost the end of the Fall Semester & I’ve had a definite shift in character. I’ve lost interest in a lot of those things I binged on from September-September. I think heartbreak has way of revealing your world and it’s meanings to you.

You don‘t ever truly realize you’re living until you feel like you’re dying. It sounds harsh right ; But it pushes your realities in front of your face and you have to choose, right there and then, “Am I going to keep seeing blindly or living truthfully?”

So here are my goals:

1. Financial stability.
The ability to do what I want, whenever I want, go where I want without having to think about finances. Living debt free with investments that will make its own money, while I slay effortlessly. *inserts hair flip*

2. Creating something that will create generational wealth for my future family
Whatever this is, I want my children to have the opportunity to explore all their options for their future without having to look to the institution of financial aid to guide them. I want a long standing platform of generational wealth to extend to my grandchildren so they too can afford the better opportunities and luxuries of life. (And hopefully the gift keeps on giving.)

3. Empowering and educating the Black community
I’ve realized, our world is dying. I asked five years ago, “Who is fighting or us? The blacks? The inner city kids? The middle class? The poor? The working class? The immigrants? The women?“ Where are our civil rights? Education, improvement and empowerment is crucial. I’ll start here…

